The Pram Parade - Filmed At Wimbledon (1931)

Wimbledon, London. “No home or town complete without one - (or a lot of them).“ M/S of a parade of women pushing decorated prams with babies sitting in them. M/S of the prams being pushed through a street lined with onlookers. A policeman pushes his bike alongside the parade. M/S of one of the prams - baby inside holds a Union Jack flag. “Babies of every sort and size - and every one a mother’s prize! (But, not one pram had to exceed one shilling in the decorations.)“ C/U of pram decorated with paper flowers. Dissolve into another - highly decorated with crepe paper. C/Us of various competitors’ creations. One pram is decorated with the words “Buy British Goods“. C/U of baby in one of the prams. One pram is decorated as a yacht with a big sail made of paper. C/U of back of one of the prams again with the words “Buy British Goods“. Patriotic baby waves Union Jack in pram decorated with rosettes and crepe paper. Was an item in Eve’s Film Review issue number 546. FILM ID: A
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