MAGICAL DIY ILLUSIONS This trick is fascinating! Check out this tutorial for advice on how to balance heavy objects like two forks on a single toothpick. This video will show you how to take two forks, two toothpicks, a wine bottle and a cork and make it all balance! Balancing eating utensils on the rim of a glass is a trick that requires moving gravity a little bit. A balanced diet is always a good idea to help you stay healthy. Here’s an activity that’ll be a hit at home or at your favorite sit-down restaurant. (Our guess is you’ll either get a free dessert or you’ll be asked to leave.) Find a way to balance a fork and a spoon on the edge of a glass using only a toothpick. Yes, it’s a balancing act with a most interesting, gravity-changing solution! EXPERIMENT 1. Start by pushing the two center tines on the fork upward a little. (This is probably not the best thing to do with heavy or expensive utensils; cheaper is probably better.) 2. Push the fork and
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