Classic Car Club of America 61st Annual Meeting, Part 2 - Jay Leno’s Garage

Classic Car Club of America 61st Annual Meeting, Part 2. Vintage classics galore! Jay checks out Richard Law’s 1931 Duesenberg Model J, bodied by Murphy, Tony Tackley’s 1935 Auburn 835 Speedster, Donald Nichols’ 1925 Hispano Suiza and many, many more. » Subscribe: » Visit the Official Site: THE BEST OF JAY LENO’S GARAGE » Exclusive First Looks: » Ultra Rare Supercars: » Jay’s Book Club: JAY LENO’S GARAGE ON SOCIAL Follow Jay: Like Jay: ABOUT JAY LENO’S GARAGE A new video every Sunday! Visit Jay Leno’s Garage, the Emmy-winning series where Jay Leno gives car reviews, motorcycle reviews, compares cars, and shares his passion and expertise on anything that rolls, explodes, and makes noise. Classic cars, restomods, super cars lik
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