Snips of “Team Fortress 2 Check-Up“

NOTE: ENABLE CAPTIONS IF AND WHEN YOU’RE HAVING TROUBLE UNDERSTAND/HEARING WHAT I’M SAYING. Took me a while because I made the mistake of not hitting the “Start Recording“ -button in OBS. So then I had to go through so hoops to get the full stream downloaded in “full“ quality. Downloading directly from YT was not an option because that only gives a 720p video, so I had to request a Takeout from Google, during which Google compiles the data you’ve requested. Then it took Google three days to compile all of my YT videos to be downloaded and then I had to download EVERYTHING because the files ar...e in random order. And when I finally found the stream, it was in .webm -format, which just so happens to be one o fthe very few formats Premiere Pro doesn’t support. So I had to spend two days figuring out how to convert the stream to a functioning format. And finally, after the video was converted to .mp4 format, it only had a bit of consistent audio desync, sure, that was simple, but then I realized that YT messed up
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