CU. Small boy blowing up balloon, it bursts.
GV. Exterior of the Treasury in Whitehall. SV. Chancellor of the Exchequer Mr Peter Thorneycroft walking out of the treasury, & SCU. He talks to the press on stairs.
GV. Exterior of Transport House. Angle shot of Transport House. SV. Group of officials at the entrance of Transport House. SV. Interior with Stewart Farrar and Ron Fowler standing at bar drinking - he is an employee of British Pathe. SCU. Ron Fowler speaking followed by Stewart Farrar (natural sound): “So what, my uncle Charles went bankrupt and made ruddy good out of it.“ Farrar answers “Bankrupt - who ever heard of a country going bankrupt?“
Air view of ships in London docks being loaded and unloaded. LV. Cranes at work. SV. Men at work on the quayside unloading carcasses of meat. SV. Loading of meat onto trolley. SV. Pan up to packing cases being loaded up onto ship. GV. Idle ships at quayside. LV. Line of cars waiting at quayside to be loaded. GV. Interior of a deserted fact