2:00 - High insulin levels (and both blood glucose levels) are bad for average untrained people for variety of metabolic diseases. But what about for someone building muscles?
6:40 - Hey Dave, Imna type 2 diabetic and want to follow your protocols as far as the insulin and the Mass gaining. and wanted your opinion what to do as far as insulin usage which I am on both Lantus at night 34 iu amd 10 units with each meal ’s really hard for me to put on size.
11:53 - Diagnosed with heart failure been on ramipril and beta blockers. After 6months the heart hasn’t shrunk - still have low ejection fraction of around 30%. I used a small amount of gh - 2iu and kratom which supposedly has a parasympathetic response . How likely is it that these two things have kept the heart from shrinking? I’ve had no vaccine shot so it’s not vax related
14:20 - Can you take a diuretic and aldactone at the same time for a competition? Or do they not compliment one another?
18:40 - Is gut heal
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