Why The Theory of Relativity Doesn’t Add Up (In Einstein’s Own Words)

Relativity is as successful a theory as it is mind-bending - yet Einstein himself did not believe it was complete, and in a 1914 paper he critiqued its internal consistency at some length. Indeed, at one time or another we have all found ourselves in a state of healthy skepticism about the tenets of relativity, seemingly confronted by a mysticism of warping space and time that is nigh impossible to wrap one’s head around -- and so here we find ourselves compelled to ask the same question Einstein did over a century ago: is the theory of relativity truly consistent, and if not, what does this mean for its future? Please help support us on Patreon! Einstein’s 1914 Paper “On the Relativity Problem“ Henry Lindner’s “On The Philosophical Inadequacy of Modern Physics“ Contents: 00:00 - Intro 01:04 - Of Axioms & Absolutes 04:22 - Einstein Calls Out His Own Theory 05:54 - Defining “Absolute“ Acceleration 07:35 - What are We Accelerating Relative to? 10:00 - Einstein’s Mistake 11:57 - Where Do We Go From Here? 16:14 - Acknowledgments
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