Memorial Day In Italy (1948)

Near Florence, Italy MEMORIAL DAY IN ITALY. Ceremony at the American War Cemetery of Castel Fiorentino, near Florence. Attended by American Ambassador to Rome, Mr Dunn, Italian Minister of Defense Pacciardi and highest military and diplomatic Italian and American officials. M.S. General view at the scene at the cemetery. U.S. Flag flying. C.U. Feet of marching men. C.U. Saluting head of Carabinieri, in foreground. Crosses in background. M.S. American naval officer. M.S. Wreath being carried to base of flag staff. M.S. American servicemen laying wreath. . cut in shot of spectators. M.S. U.S. Col. Watson addressing gathering of men. L.S. America officer reading address, spectators in background. C.U. General Geoffrey Keye reading an address. C.U. American G.I. blowing bugle, Stars and Stripes flying in the background. M.S. G.I.’s taking the salute. . ditto (3 shots). . Civilian spectators. L.S. Rows of graves, each flying a small flag. M.S. Stars and Stripes flying at half mast. B/W
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