Apple WWDC developments, Galaxy S6 Active, and rumored Motorola hardware | Pocketnow Weekly 152

Is a vegetarian “hamburger” rightfully called as much, or is it just a vegetable patty? Did Scrubs season nine really count, or were we essentially watching a brand-new show? And where are all these seemingly bizarre questions coming from? We’re headed into not-so-uncharted but still very much off-the-beaten-path territory this week as we gear up for a Pocketnow Weekly podcast without regular host Michael Fisher at the helm. We know – barely even worth doing, right? Well, we’ll see about that, and while things certainly won’t be the same, we’ve got the rest of the Weekly team lined up to give it their all, with frequent co-host Stephen Schenck stepping up to the take the lead, Adam Doud getting ready to flex some more of that podcast muscle, Jaime Rivera popping in to talk shop about WWDC 2015, and Jules Wang making it all come together from the producer’s chair. We’ve got news, we’ve got listener mail, and you just know that things are going to un
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