Earthquake Early Warning,She’s Switching Instantly
Her name is “RINON”.
She is a weather news anchor/forecaster/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan.
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People calls her “RINON” or “Non-chan“
大島璃音 (Japanese Kanji name)
Born March 19 1999
Blood type B
In Tokyo, Japan
Pisces (constellation)
Height 163cm
Education: Aoyama Gakuin University
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, musical , Formula One
Favorite colors: Red, Black
Favorite fruits: strawberry
instruments (piano, flute, violin)
Sports: Baton twirling
Special skill: World Heritage Certificate Level 3, French Language Certificate Level 3
▼The weather show she appears on
She works in WEATHER NEWS INC. (Japan)
Search for “weathernews web910“ and in that page,
you can see their schedule at the right side of screen for upcoming 24 hours.
Video editor: @WeatherNewFans (this channel)
Contact : weathernewfans@
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#rinonohshima #Weathernews #Japan