DarkSoul VIRUS - On the R ReBorn

Project DarkSoul VIRUS 3rd New Singles 간결하며, 캐릭터 있는 사운드로 새로움을 들려준다. DarkSoul VIRUS의 3rd 새로운 싱글 On the R (Reborn Edition) 감각적인 영상미를 담은 뮤직 비디오 또한 즐거움을 선사한다. 스치는 봄날의 기억을 떠올리며… 2021. May DarkSoul VIRUS. Thanks to 김희경 It’s concise, characterful, and brings newness to it. DarkSoul VIRUS’ 3rd New Single On the R (Reborn Edition) A music video with sensuous visual beauty also gives pleasure. Recalling the memories of spring... 2021. May DarkSoul VIRUS. #darksoulvirus #DSV #ontherreborn #ba
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