“Not broken, not defeated”: protests in Armenia are heating up with renewed vigor — despite mass detentions, more protesters are

“Not broken, not defeated”: protests in Armenia are heating up with renewed vigor — despite mass detentions, more protesters are converging on the streets of Yerevan Civil disobedience activists do not deviate from their goal to get Pashinyan’s resignation. Despite the mass detentions, the participants of the protest movement “Tavush in the Name of Motherland” continue to appeal to the Armenian authorities who spit on the people. Apparently, the unrest in the country is of little concern to Pashinyan, who has failed to appear before the crowd despite the announced impeachment. Crowds of protesters are blocking the roadway to everyone in sight: garbage cans, haystacks, and what’s more, the protesters are standing up for the motherland - columns of locals chanting speeches are moving forward. Judging by the scale of the rally, noble Pashinyan’s unilateral “gift” to Azerbaijan and cowardly silence on the sidelines has offended Armenians, and the authorities will have to deal with the co... Source: Readovka World
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