
在云南的街头小巷,有一种其貌不扬的包子,外表看起来破破烂烂,我们叫它破酥包,是滇味面点中的传统小吃,皮酥肉香,特别美味, 秋天来了,吃一口热腾腾的破酥包,感觉整个人都温暖了~ ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. In almost every market of Yunnan, you will find some plain looking steamed buns. They look somewhat cluttered and messy and are called crispy stuffed buns. It is one of the traditional Dian pastries with crispy wrappers and savory pork stuffings. Have some steaming crispy stuffed bun in the fall will make you warm from inside out. 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南
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