The precise control needed for the working of various machines can be obtained by fluid power systems. A fluid power system has various components which help in power transmission.
A hydraulic system uses liquids like oil. To store the hydraulic oil, a reservoir or tank is used. The hydraulic oil to the system is supplied from the tank and dumped back in it. The movement of oil through the system is achieved by using a pump. The pump forces the fluid through the system thus making the components work. Pump can only move the fluid and cannot control the pressure or flow in the circuit. A valve is used to control the flow of hydraulic liquid in a circuit. Valves can be of various types, a directional valve controls direction of the fluid while a flow control valve regulates the flow in the hydraulic circuit. A pressure-relief valve is used to maintain the required pressure in the system.
In a pneumatic system, an electric motor is used to drive a compressor. The atmospheric air is then filtered a