We’ve added an inventory system, hunting system, planting potatoes, a zone indicator. You can only squeeze in the FARM zone. Sowing is only possible in the FARM zone also forbidden to use weapons. In PVE zones, damage only allowed to animals in the hunting. Random meat drop from a deer 3-4, from rabbit 1 fixed. Added fence at the entrance of the FARM.
- passage through cats and fishes
- gluing between the farm and the PVE zone
- the sound of a falling barrel at the beginning
- balanced sounds of footsteps and shots
- etc.
00:00 simple inventory system
00:32 hunting
01:05 waterfall sounds
01:35 hit effects
02:05 planting potatoes
1 week ago 00:04:33 5
Сталинградская эпопея. Немецкие хроники. Эпизод#171. Бои 14 и 4 корпусов 6-ой армии г.