Wei Jia is a guide to trolling dance, Me and You version I hope everyone will implement it and stay

#WeiJia #DandanShuffle #魏佳洗牌 Wei Jia is a guide to trolling dance, Me and You version. I hope everyone will implement it and stay with me forever. 魏佳 曳舞指南,我和你. 我希望每个人都能实施它,并永远与我在一起. Teacher, choreographer, Wei Jia. and Qingyun and fans dancing, trolling, version Me and You. The video was made in Jinan Shandong China. Thank you for liking my choreography, I am a pure hobby, the happiness of the brothers when sharing the troll dance with friends. 老师,编舞,魏佳. 还有青云和歌迷跳舞,巨魔,《我和你》. 该视频是在中国山东济南制作的.
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