SWR Promotional video 1991

From 1991, a promotional video for the bass amplifier company SWR featuring several top bass players. My apologies for the 4th generation VHS copy. Players in order of appearance: 0:28-Phil Chen 4:50 Danny Sheridan 8:50 Dann Glenn 12:25 Tim Drummond 14:45 John Alderete 17:45 Jerry Watts 18:43 Alexis Skalresky 19:31 Mark Browne 20:13 Charles Frichtel 23:14 Duane “Smitty“ Smith 27:35 Neil Stubenhaus 29:32 Joy Jucks 29:50 Keith Johnes and Michael Wilcox 34:15 Tim Bogert 35:48 Alexis Sklaresky 37:48 Jimmy Haslip 41:46 Rob Wasserman 45:45 Jimmy Haslip and Rob Wasserman
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