Spell-broken Hearts ft. Kagamine Rin & Len - English Vocaloid Original

hhhhhhhhnnnnnnnIT’S HERE. My first Vocaloid original, in English and everything! I know it’s not great, but I wanted to get SOMETHING out there. Please let me know what you think! Side note: I have another song mostly done, which I was originally planning to release before this one! I’m just waiting on some Japanese lyrics first. - Art, song, lyrics whatever by DndManatee/Connelley/me (hi!) - Mostly mixed in bandlab and composed in Musescore, with that airy lead synth coming from Ableton. - Vocals by the world’s best singing robots (aka Rin and Len). Don’t tell them I said this, but their English needs work... (i hope no one at my new school sees this i’ll straight-up die)
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