Japanese news films about attack on Pearl Harbour (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Pearl Harbour footage created by Japanese as propaganda for their attack on the West Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Japanese Film Version of Pearl Harbour VARIOUS: INT/EXT JAPAN. Japanese picture version of Pearl Harbour,shots of carrier planes on deck, japanese pilot hearing U.S Radio, air models shots of harbour, also of shots of ship being bomb, & of japanese airman laughing in cockpit, Japan; Media; Airforce - Active propaganda, planes, aeroplanes, Hawaii, troops, bomber, bombing, studio, fake, fleet, ship, dive bomber, aerials, air views, pilot, U.S., United States, American, World War II, World War Two, Second World War, war, WWII Background: Pearl Harbour footage created by Japanese as propaganda for their attack on the West FILM ID: VLVA3CT1LQISSRU4AW9RJ1UGKA64J To license this film, visit
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