Keep The Memory Burning

Keep The Memory Burning - Classic Country, old country Music #honkytonk #oldcountrymusic #countrymusic Lyrics I find myself here at the table, with a glass in my hand, Thinking ’bout all the things that didn’t go as planned. The silence here’s so heavy, it’s weighing down on me, So I light up the fire with thoughts of what used to be. Keep the memory burning, don’t let the flame die down, Stirring up the embers, when you’re not around. If I feed enough longing, it’ll blaze up again, Keep the memory burning, like it’s never gonna end. I see your shadow dancing in the corner of my mind, Playing back the days, when our hearts were intertwined. But you left me with this aching, and this bottle of regret, So I throw in a little heartache, and try not to forget. Keep the memory burning, don’t let the flame die down, Stirring up the embers, when you’re not around. If I feed enough longing, it’ll blaze up again, Keep the memory burning
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