Clark Kent character tribute -- [“Centuries“ by Fall Out Boy] (a 9-vidder collaboration)
Voiceovers are transcribed at the bottom of this video description!! ~~~ This our 65th collab, and another specific-theme one. This time, we did a tribute to Clark Kent, the main character of the TV series Smallville. Obviously with 10 seasons, we couldn’t include even close to everything. But we tried our best to make this as true to the spirit of this song and capture some awesome sides to Clark’s journey to becoming Superman!
We’ve made 2 other Clark Kent character tributes on this channel in the past. “Neon Rain“: and “How It Ends“:
We’ve also vidded a Fall Out Boy song once before on this channel. It was a general Smallville cast/series tribute set to “My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (Light Em Up)“:
Our next vid will be a Lexana (Lex/Lana as a ship) tribute. We’re currently voting on the song. ;)
GSandra79 rendered the collab this time, and did the coloring and the watermarks!! Thank you so much!! It looks awesome.
If you want to audition to join the group, send a message to me, the group host, at my luvtheheaven5 channel and I’ll talk to you about it. We could always use more members. ;)
Song: Centuries
Artist: Fall Out Boy
This was a collab made by 9 different people (vidders).
Each vidder made 1 part in this collab. Episodes were split up this time, in order to not repeat clips. For each of the 9 parts in this collab, a vidder had 24 episodes to work with, but parts were less than 30 sec long. Many episodes ended up not being used at all.
Here’s who did each part:
Titles & Part 1: pitufa003
Part 2: shadowflower93
Part 3: luvtheheaven5
Part 4: GSandra79
Part 5: xfoxyamanda11
Part 6: Rgirl132
Part 7: felixfelicius
Part 8: YvianaArt
Part 9: xsupermanofkissesx
Hi, I’m Clark. I’m the kid who can lift up tractors and see through walls!
How do you know my Kryptonian name?
This field is where your ship crashed down.
I may be an alien, but I’m not a cartoon!
Green means “stop“! And red... Red means “go“.
Clark Kent, going off to the big city to make his mark on the world.
You may not see me as a hero. But the rest of the world does! And I decide my fate!
That’s the thing about Clark Kent. He’s not always there when you want him, but he’s always there when you need him.
Crown’s mine, bitch!
I only had your abilities for a short time, but believe me, having all that power is very intoxicating.
It’s like dating a god!
This Neman guy, he’s supposed to come from the stars, have the power of ten men, and shoot fire from his eyes, right? He could become a tyrant if nobody kept him in check.
The man of tomorrow is forged by his battles today.
Mom, if you could see anything, what would you do?
Learn to close my eyes.
No one has the right to choose who lives and dies!
I can’t live in a world where you don’t love me.
Well, Mom, as much as I like playing football and trying to be normal, the truth is I’m not. We all know that.
’Cause not every place has a Hometown Hero like Clark Kent.
That’s what I become.
So what are you, Man, or Superman?
Sometimes I just want to scream.
[Clark and Lana scream]
I couldn’t believe there was actually anyone like you out there.
1 view
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