Corruption in our government is so rampant that it needs to be commented on every once in a while. It raises its ugly head with Justice Alito’s brazen acceptance of “benefits“ from individuals who have business before the court and who benefit from Alito’s decisions. On top of that Alito announced last week that Congress has no power to impose a code of ethics on the Supreme Court.
Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
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Corruption has got the upper hand
And it’s spreadin’ over all the land
As if it had been very carefully planned
Watch it grow and watch it expand
Trump didn’t cause the outbreak and the spread of corruption
That’s the stench of a dying system attracting a worm
He got elected because of the blind desperation
Then took from the country everything that he could “earn.”
Congress? It’s been bought and sold.
Lobbyists? Exceed them thirty-fold
Elections? Let’s take a look at those
with versions that are too dumb to disclose
Election corruption has nothing to do with dead voters
or ballot box stuffing or voting machines with encoders
Not about dictators dead but still wielding their power
Not about drop-offs or voting an earlier hour
It got bad back in 2010
The Supreme Court made a decision then
Citizens United, a Corporation playpen
Buy a candidate then put them in
The rich can now just legally bribe
The Congress, courts, just watch them imbibe
Their own taxes they proscribe
Pushing the burden onto the poor.
What could go wrong when you put the weight of the system
on the backs of the poorest who struggle with no assist
burdened with debt from a college they barely remember
Raising a family on barely enough to exist
The bribery of Congress gets regulatory capture
With corporate stooges appointed to places of power
Where they oversee and protect their own corruption
Safe from the laws in the arms of their ivory tower.
Don’t know where we go from here
It’s all fear and greed and greed and fear
Hope that something better will appear
For now we’ll have to leave it there