(SFM) FIVE NIGHTS AT CANDY’S 3 SONG “Hide and Seek“ feat. Sharm and Fabvl

►GET THE SONG◄ ♦iTunes: ♦Spotify: ♦Google Play: ♦Amazon: ♦Bandcamp: coming soon My original Five Nights at Candy’s 3 song called Hide and Seek. I have been getting requests to make a song about a Five Nights at Freddy’s fan game for as long as I have been making FNAF songs. I particularly loved how Five Nights at Candy’s 3 had an actual story and a good one for that matter! I wrote the song but because the main character in Five Nights at Candy’s 3 is a girl I asked Sharm to lend a female voice to the song. I also asked Fabvl to do the rap bridge. I really hope you enjoy this Five Nights at Candy’s 3 song. As always, all Likes, shares and song downloads greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)
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