The African Tyrants: Stories of the Continent’s Worst Dictators
Here are the stories of the men who stole away their people’s right to freedom and prosperity. From the Congo, to Equatorial Guinea, to Central Africa, to Libya, to Eritrea; countries with enormous potential all over the continent of Africa were robbed of their right to succeed by their greedy leaders.
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All Countries: Kenyon, P., 2018. Dictatorland: The Men who Stole Africa. Head of Zeus Ltd.
Gifford, Paul (1971). France and Britain in Africa. Imperial Rivalry and Colonial Rule. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 221–260
Cawthorne, Nigel. The World’s Worst Atrocities, 1999. Octopus Publishing Group
Marchal, Jules (1999). Forced labor in the gold and copper mines: a history of Congo under Belgian rule, 1910-1945.
Robarge, David. “CIA’s Covert Operations in the Congo, 1960–1968: Insights from Newly D
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