Make an Amazing Mini Tractor Harrow recycling Soda Cans

Hello guys. In today’s video, we made an Amazing Tractor Harrow with cans and recyclable materials. See in the video how to make a Tractor with harrow disc that can be sold and generate an extra income. Mini very cool constructions. ► Subscribe: On Inventus channel, you can learn various inventions, science projects, crafts and DIYs teaching how to reuse or recycle. Musics: 1 - Elektronomia & RUD - Memory [NCS Release] Watch: 2 - Electro-Light & Shiah Maisel - Letter [NCS Release] Watch: 3- JJD - Adventure[NCS Release]: 4 - blast by fassounds Artlist 5– Oceans by RexBanner Art...list
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