sound attribution / music credit list :
more information about this film and tools are here in description:
I’ve been worried so much about posting this film, since this is the first short film which I had been awkwardly made. But I’m posting this even if I may delete it later.
I made this film in the situation that I was forced to make an animation only. Because I had little knowledge about making an animation, I had to study almost everything such as directing, storyboarding, layout and background painting, animating and even sound editing by myself alone, with books and moives - after came back from my day job. I did it not because I “love“ animation, but I just wanted to do my best.
Since I had no one to help me, it was like living in a nightmare. Originally the story was longer - and actually the background artworks, which were twice as much as the bg works in this video, had almost finished but couldn’t be used because I didn’t want to feel wasting my time anymore.
My question was that :
Who is the one killed by the obsessive hatred? Who is the one eventually broken? is it them I hated? or myself?
This video is full of my complex I used to have, which I don’t really care anymore, but I felt it too important back then. The character who uses drawings as the only tool of expression; the stuffed self-image as a young boy; impotent; obsession; disturbing circumstances; self-harm tendency; etc. Some of were my real stories, and some of were not the real but the emotion that I had. I’d forgotten about this piece until recent after throwing this file into a folder, since I was so embarrassed and felt shame about this lol. Anyway the memory I made on this would have been a perfect nightmare if I had not received the Grand Prix from the school..
Adobe Photoshop CS5
TVP animation pro 10
Sony Vegas 9.0
Premiere Pro CS5
IG : naked_cherry
너무 못 만들어서 올릴까말까 너무 고민을 많이 했는데, 나중에 지우더라도 올려는보자 라는 생각으로 포스팅을 하게 되네요.. 이 영상은 제가 애니메이션에 대해 지식이 거의 전무하다시피 한 상태에서, 강제적으로 애니메이션을 만들어야만 했던 상황에 혼자 독학해가며 만든 영상입니다. 조언을 구할 생각도 못하고 혼자서 책 보고 영상 보며 독학하느라 시간을 정말 많이 버렸습니다.ㅠㅠ 실제 이 영상에 쓰인 배경작업의 두배에 달하는 아트웍들은 거의 완성을 해놓고 쓰지 못해 전부 버렸습니다.
제 질문은 이거였습니다.
내가 가지고 있던 강박적 증오는 나를 죽인걸까 상대를 죽인걸까. 결국 망가진건 그 사람일까 이후의 시간을 계속 살아가는 나 자신일까.
이 영상은 당시 제가 가지고 있던 컴플렉스의 집약체입니다. 그림을 배설의 도구로 사용하는 주인공, 어린 남자아이의 자아로 박제된 자아상, 무력감, 강박 등. 어떤 이미지들은 실화였고, 어떤 이미지들은 실화는 아니지만 제가 가지고 있던 감정의 크기였습니다. 여러모로 어설프기 짝이없어서 폴더에 처박아두고 잊고 살았네요 ㅎㅎ 학교에서라도 그랑프리를 받지 않았으면 정말 완벽하게 서럽고 괴로운 악몽이 될 뻔 했습니다ㅠㅠ
Adobe Photoshop CS5
TVP animation pro 10
Sony Vegas 9.0
Premiere Pro CS5
인스타그램: naked_cherry
트위터 : naked_cherry