Watch: Piers Morgan responds to Prince Harry High Court ruling

Prince Harry has urged the Metropolitan Police to investigate bringing charges against individuals at Mirror Group Newspapers as he accused senior editors including Piers Morgan as being involved in or aware of illegal activities. The Duke of Sussex accused MGN board directors, legal department and senior editors, making specific reference to Mr Morgan, of lying under oath to Parliament during the Leveson Inquiry and of deceiving the National Stock Exchange. In a statement read outside the High Court by his barrister David Sherborne, Harry described the ruling as “vindicating and affirming” as he urged for further investigations into any allegations of illegal activity. “I respectfully call upon the authorities, the financial regulator, the stock market who were deliberately deceived by Mirror group, and indeed the Metropolitan Police and prosecuting authorities, to do their duty for the British public and to investigate bringing charges against the company and those who have broken the l
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