Giant Hail, 90 Second Alert

Patented chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations and extreme hail havoc around the world, “Giant Hail Is the Weather Threat Keeping Insurers Up at Night“ from Bloomberg Law News. “Hailstorm covers Mexican city with thick ice amid heat wave“ from Yahoo News. Record heat with record hail, welcome to engineered earth. To support Geoengineering Watch: Contact us: Dane Wigington, P.O. Box 9, Bella Vista, CA, 96008 Please watch the full broadcast here: Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers: To receive Geoengineering Watch updates, please sign up for our mailing list: Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary: Follow us: @DaneWigington @danewigington #geoengineering #climateengineering #weathermodification #geoengineeringwatch #danewigington #thedimming
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