Alex Collier is an Extraterrestrial Contactee.
The race he has had contact with are an alien race called the Andromedans. They are from the Constellation of Andromeda and the contact began in his early childhood, and still continue to the present day.
His information is very in depth on what skullduggery is taking place on planet earth at this time.
The Andromedan race are especially concerned at this time because earth is undergoing a frequency change which is affecting everything including human .
The solar system has already entered the start of a higher frequency quadrant of the galaxy and as time goes by more and more things on Earth will be affected.
Our scientists know about this as the frequency of the Schuman Cavity in Earth’s atmosphere has been increasing for decades.
All of our electrical items are built at a different frequency from the Schuman Cavity so that they are not affected.
Don’’t believe me, Just ask any electrical engineer.
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