Tom and Jerry Full Episodes Jerry’s Cousin (1951) Part 2
Tom & JTom & Jerry is an American animated series that is shown on television and in theaters across a wide range of genres ranging from short films to long films. Produced by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for MGM, the movie is an endless confrontation between Tom and smart mouse Jerry bringing a lot of laughter to the audience. Hanna and Barbera wrote the script and directed the 114th episode of Tom & Jerry at the MGM studio between the 1940s and 1957s. Original version of Tom & Jerry won the Oscars for the animated short film 7 times. Tom & Jerry has a huge audience all over the world, from all sorts of kids to young adults, and is recognized as one of the most popular movie stars ever. American photos. In 2000, TIME magazine announced that Tom & Jerry was one of the best TV shows of all time.