Even Blurry Videos - Камнем по голове (English cover)

#корольишут #evenblurryvideos Original by Король и Шут Слушать мои авторские песни на Spotify и др. Здесь можно проголосовать за кавер, который вы хотите услышать. Я сделал список из популярных запросов, но вы можете добавить в него и свой вариант. Рок❤🤪 Даю уроки гитары, а также английского языка онлайн, писать сюда: Подпишись на мой второй канал с гитарными видосами Even Blurry Guitar Videos Заказать кавер в подарок себе или друзьям и близким с персональным видеообращением можно, отправив мне личное сообщение в любой соцсети, ссылки ниже. Не бесплатно)) Все ссылки здесь/All links here: Support my channel/Поддержать канал: DonationAlerts Яндекс Кошелек 4100112397209403 PayPal Become a patron and get access to WAV files and backing tracks/Поддержать канал на Патреоне и получить доступ к WAV и минусовкам Hi! My name is Igor Sakharov. I record covers and original songs and edit videos by myself at home. Leave a comment, share and subscribe! Bass by Pavel Kovalyov Once in a little country town There was a fair and music playing But suddenly in the happy crowd Appeared a stranger’s evil face He walked as if he were alone Nobody seemed to notice him And only the local dogs Were staring at him strangely Wearing a top hat And dressed up old-fashioned The wayfarer hurried to town to see the fair Climbing over the mountains He felt so happy But a rock came falling down on him Out of thin air He was wearing a dirty coat, And an old black crumpled top hat He kept his eyes down And he was holding a mask in his hand But someone said to him ’Hey friend, Why don’t you have a little fun On such a bright and happy day How can you be so bitter and sad?’ Then the stranger raised his eyes In a low and evil voice he said ’I’d like to wipe off all these smiles And that’s what makes me feel so sad. I dreamed of coming to the fair Wearing a monkey mask I made But that damn rock came out of nowhere And hit me right on my head
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