‘Speed Tale’, directed by Guillaume Mille, tells the story of two brands, Richard Mille and McLaren, that are driven by passion. It is a vision of pleasure: a wild ride on desert roads and at the wheel of exceptional cars. A tribute to one of his favourite music videos – Jamiroquai’s ‘Cosmic Girl’, it transcends the forms, the style and the fashion from his childhood. This film is inherently nostalgic – whilst being at the same time modern and filmed using today’s technology. The 90’s have a certain madness and unbridled creativity that can be found in some of the shots, like the accelerations and telescopic zooms. Watch the behind-the-scenes: See more at #RichardMille #RM4001 #Speedtail #McLaren #CosmicGirl ► For more videos, subscribe to: ► Go to our website: ► Find us also
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