Dave "DRAX" Bautista (USA) vs Vince Lucero (USA) | KNOCKOUT, MMA fight HD
Professional american actor which starred in Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers 2019 (Drax), Army of the Dead 2021, Dune 2021, and also big WWE star and MMA fighter Dave Bautista with nickname “Batista“ against american heavyweight high skilled athlete Vince Lucero. Fight took place in Dunkin’ Donuts Center, Providence, USA on October 6, 2012. Full MMA fight video with knockout in HD.
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Dave “DRAX“ Bautista (USA) vs Vince Lucero (USA) | KNOCKOUT, MMA fight HD
#Bautista #fights #Lucero #knockout #MMA #fight #highlights #boxing #HD #knockouts #USA #WWE