Location: Hamburg, Germany
Film about a solar eclipse and the end of the world.
MS. Of a man in a helmet running past a finish line (unconnected to film).
VS. Wizard type person casting spells. Astrological signs and instruments are shown. VS. Crowds of people. VCU. Of a newspaper article.
VS. Rough sea scenes. MS. German soldier rowing Kayak through flood water. Aerial view desert during sandstorm. Night shot of busy highway with masses of car headlights as the only visible things. MS. Three young calves running.
GV of an eclipse and chickens running for cover. GV. Of a beech scene that
... fades to dark. VS. People doing ’hocus-pocus’, casting spells, reading cards. CU. Of a man’s forehead. GV. Of a creaking window opening by itself.
Tracking shot of a lone cameraman in evening dress on the terrace of a large sports stadium with his camera on a tripod waiting. Man walks out of shop with large rubber dingy. VS. People being interviewed. MS. Man on the terrace in evening dress with his cameraShow more